這篇文章是Chris Davidson對T. S. Eliot "Statistics"這首詩所做的註釋,因為寫得好極了,所以轉載於此。未經同意便逕自轉載是因為這是網路上轉載再轉載的,並不知出處,因此無法提供。如有人知道,請告知。先謝謝了。
In his poem “Statistics” T.S. Eliot condemns obsession with science and modern technology that causes nature and history to be forgotten. In the first stanza of his poem Eliot addresses a “lady” who thinks “too much of speeds and pulleys and cranes,” which represent science and technology. When he goes on to say that the Woolworth Tower has “made [her] blind to Egypt and the pyramids,” he is saying that her obsession with new things and technology has made her blind to what the human spirit and will alone can accomplish, represented by the pyramids. The pyramids could also represent history and art, and the Woolworth tower could represent trivial commercialism that makes many people ignorant to the finer things of which humans are capable.
Eliot also tells the lady in his poem that she is “too much impressed by motor-cars” and that she has a “false historic sense.” Her awe of motor-cars could again represent a fascination with the products of commercialism and industry, but, on another level, it could represent technology and the modern age. This fixation on modern ideals causes the lady of the poem to have a “false historic sense” in which she probably views the modern age and condition as ideal and impressive, rather than admiring ancient accomplishments.
Eliot then contrasts himself with this lady by writing that he is “perplexed at God’s expense of electricity on stars.” His wonder represents a wonder of nature that the lady lacks because she is too impressed by technology and science. He also writes that he will “weigh the seas” and “count the sands along the shore” and “Despise all moderns, thinking more of Shakespeare and Praxiteles.” Eliot is saying that he will consider that grandeur of nature rather than man-made edifices and gadgets. It is also evident from his comment about Shakespeare and Praxiteles that he prefers the accomplishments of old to new accomplishments, and the comment also suggests an interest in the arts that the lady of the poem did not have.
The modern man-made world is full of technology and human contrivances, and it is also full of statistics that boil everything down to numbers, component parts and science. In his poem “Statistics” T.S. Eliot is offering his opinion that adopting modern philosophy and reducing wonders to mere technical details is inferior to the awe of human spirit and nature that he possesses.
致吟說的好,我要補充的是,這不是效率的問題,而是治標或治本的問題。造成這次以及歷來幾次土石流災情的原因,追本溯源,還是由於我們不愛惜土地,濫用自然資源所致。架設周密的電子防護網去監控橋樑,聽起來很高科技,很有效;仔細想想,這只能避免用橋的人車不會蒙受損害而已。忽略更基本的環境整治與保護,橋還是要被沖毀,家園還是要被淹沒,毀村的噩夢不會就此消失。台灣雖然自傲於自己的教育水準、經濟發展、與民主成就,但是,當舉國上下的環保意識仍然這麼低落,經濟發展的思維永遠與環境保護敵對,謀生賺錢就必須犧牲土地河川;這樣的社會毋寧說是知識落後的社會,思想淺薄的社會,我們實在沒甚麼理由好驕傲的。其實導致今天這種局面,與台灣社會長期以來由科技專家與經濟學者主導的施政有絕大的關係。這樣的體制與結構如果不能調整,至少我們希望科技與經濟的學者專家們的知識要更新了,他們的知識系統裡必須要有一大塊環境保護的部分,他們往後提出的解決方案必須是environmentally friendly,甚至應該是environmentally respectful。